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                     Oblique Impacts                             Geological- and Mineralogical Evidence for the Permian Triassic Impact Event        UPDATE !!!    (  from  16.06.2022  )



In the parts 1 to 4 of my study I have described my Permian Triassic Impact Hypothesis ( PTI ) mainly with the help of structural evidence ( ► impact structures visible on topographic maps & satellite images,

and structures visible on gravity-anomaly- & magnetic-anomaly maps, which indicate impact-craters and impact-structures linked to the PTI ).   


To proof and confirm these impact structures and my PTI-hypothesis, shock-metamorphic effects must be found in rock samples from these ( secondary ) impact structures of the PTI.



In the last few months I analysed selected rock samples from sites which may provide evidence for Secondary-Craters  and  - Impact-structures caused by the Permian Triassic Impact Event.


  I  now present  Raman-spectra of the analysed rock ( quartz ) samples, in order to provide the first evidence for these possible Secondary-Craters  and Impact-structures of the PTI  !


Please note that all the described Impact-Craters & -structures are all still unknown to the geological society !    The reason for that is : They all were formed by impactors ( ejecta of the PTI )

which had a low impact velocity of probably < 8 km/s and which mainly impacted in very shallow angles < 10°  !   ► Some basic information to this subject : here on this webpage :  Oblique Impacts



 Note :   Because the Secondary-Craters & -structures of the PT-Impact are mainly a result of low-velocity shallow impacts,  only small amounts of shock-metamorphed rocks were produced ! 


► I provide a new Summary of my analysis here  :  Mineralogical Evidence for the Permian-Triassic Impact Event  ( Part 6 of my study !  )


► Here a shorter version of my analysis with the focus on physical evidence   :  Summary of the geophysical evidence for the Ø 1270 x 950 km Permian-Triassic Impact Crater  



► Overview of existing geological evidence for the PT-Impact Event ( 1 Mb )    ► Here some Images ( examples ) of Impact-Breccia and Suevite ( shock-metamorphed rocks ) : Impact Breccia & Suevite


I also collected Satellite Images which show potential secondary-craters & structures caused be the PTI  see : Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4  (12 Mb each ► or alternative : P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 (10 Mb)


                                                                                      ►  Extract from this document which shows :    Recommended sample sites to proof the PTI-Crater, CY-Crater, BBC-, Pantanal- & Congo Impact Crater  (5 Mb) 



Here now :  Six possible Secondary Craters of the Permian Triassic Impact , which can proof my hypothesis ;  Note:   shock-metamorphed rocks were found here !! :



 1.)   The Ø 130 x 110 km "Bay of Lyon Crater" in France  :


         à  Shock-metamorphic effects of the Impact :   Shocked quartz   was found in rock samples from sample site  27-B


All spectra and microscope-images taken from rock samples are available here     RAMAN spectroscopic analysis of samples from “Bay of Lyon Crater”


Photos of the Sample Sites & Rock Samples (  No. 27-B3 (1-4)) are available here : Sample Sites  “Bay of Lyon Crater“    and       Rock Samples  “Bay of Lyon Crater“


The Ø 130 x 110 km Bay of Lyon Crater is the first member of a secondary impact crater chain which formed the coastline of Eastern-Spain and the western coastline of Italy. ( à see description in my PT-Impact hypothesis )

It was the first and probably most powerful crater at the northern end of this secondary crater chain, and it  represents approximatelly the pivet-point, around which the Italian mainland  and the Yugoslavian Block, rotated after

the PT-Impact Event (see image sequence 1-3 below).  RAMAN spectra of quartz grains from sample site 27-B clearly indicate a shock-event caused by an Impact which has formed “Cabo de Creus” ( site 27-B ).

This is a first strong indication for the existence of the Ø 130 x 110 km “Bay of Lyon” Crater


The possible impact crater is visible on a gravity anomaly map and the crater-center has left a strong signature on the magnetic anomaly map too, which indicates that the impactor ( a big ejecta fragment from the PT-Crater )

probably consisted of a considerable amount of iron.


The closest point on land in reference to the assumed crater center of the "Bay of Lyon Crater" is Cabo de Creus in Spain. Here sample location 27-B is located.  This sample site shows a large area which obviously consists

of rock that was partly melted and strongly deformed.  In all probability all the rock on this site is partly melted ejecta from the Bay of Lyon Crater and some of the rock material may be ejcta from the PT-Impact Crater as well.

Cabo de Creus may represent a small remaining section of the original crater-wall of the "Bay of Lyon Crater"



à  Weblink to the Geological Map of Spain :   http://www.zonu.com/fullsize-en/2010-09-01-12020/Geological-map-of-Spain-1994.html




2.)   The Ø 1.6 x 1.2 km elliptical Impact Crater in Southern-Spain  ( ≈ 35 km East of Almeria ) :


         à  Shock-metamorphic effects of the Impact :    Shocked quartz  was found in rock samples from Sample Site  40-B


RAMAN-spectra and microscope-images taken from rock samples are available here       RAMAN spectroscopic analysis of samples from the 1.6 x 1.2 km elliptcal Impact Crater


Photos of the Sample Sites & Rock Samples (  No. 40-B and others )  are available here :  ►  Sample Sites - Spain_3       and        Rock Samples - Spain_3  


At the center of this elliptical Impact Crater shock-metamorphed rock ( Impact-Breccia ) crops out of the ground.  This certainly isn't a volcanic structure !

It is a perfect Ø 1.6 x 1.2 km "oblique impact crater", but unknown to the geological society !   RAMAN spectra of quartz from sample site 40-B point towards a shock-event caused by an Impact. 

The spectra indicate that the quartz was exposed to an impact shock pressure of around 22 GPa.


This elliptical Impact Crater is very interesting because it has the potential to proof the large-scale impact-scenario in Southern-Spain, which in all probability was caused by the PT-Impact Event.  


And it can proof the tectonic-shift and rotation of a large area consisting of Proterozoic Rock ( > 250 Ma old ) which in all probability was caused by the tectonic motion of the African Plate, that was triggered by impacting

ejecta of the PT-Crater.  Please note that the crater originally impacted in the "brown-colored" rock-type 25, which is Proterozoic Rock !  ( see Geological Map below ! )

This is indicated by the curved cutout ( or dent ) visible in the brown rock-type ( see map below ), which represents a linear 300 - 400 m high  mountain range.

I have drawn-in a small pink-colored ellipse on the position where I believe the crater was originally located in reference to this mountain range.


This mountain range consisting of rock-type 25 in all probability is the remaining section of an ejecta ray from the PT-Crater, and the small elliptical crater was caused by a larger fragment from the ejecta of the PT-Crater.

The blue-colored rock type is much younger and was produced by the volcanic activity which was triggered by the large-scale impact event.


The orientation, ellipticity & shape of the impact crater, which is perfectly orientated in line with the mountain range, provide precise information about the trajectory, impact angle & velocity of the ejecta from the PT-Crater

 that impacted here. Therefore this secondary-crater of the PT-Impact should be an important study object in order to bring light in the large-scale impact scenario caused by the PTI that took place in Europe 253 Ma ago


à  Weblink to the Geological Map of Spain :   http://www.zonu.com/fullsize-en/2010-09-01-12020/Geological-map-of-Spain-1994.html




3a.)   The ≈ Ø 30 km Impact Structure in Southern-Spain  ( near Puerto de Mazarron in Murcia in Andalucia ) :


   à  Shock-metamorphic effects of the Impact :  Shocked quartz   was found in rock samples from the Sample Sites  50  and  19-B  &  30-B 


RAMAN-spectra and microscope-images taken from rock samples are available here    RAMAN spectroscopic analysis of samples from the 30 km Impact Structure (Spain)


Photos of Sample Sites & Rock Samples are available here :   Sample Sites - Spain_3   &    Rock Samples - Spain_3     and  Sample Sites -Spain_1 & 2  &  Rock Samples -Spain_1 & 2


The ≈ Ø 30 km bow-shaped Structure which is visible on the satellite image ( à see image below ) was caused by an Impact Event.   

Shocked quartz that was found on sample site 50 clearly indicates that the quartz was exposed to a shock pressure of around 22 GPa.  ( à see RAMAN spectroscopic analysis )


This large bow-shaped Impact Structure belongs to a large-scale impact event which according to my hypothesis was caused by ejecta material that was ejected from the Permian Triassic (PT) Crater in the Arctic Sea 

( see Parts 1 to 5 of my hypothesis ).


The 30 km impact structure belongs to a large-scale Secondary Crater Chain that was caused by the PT-Impact Event.   

The “Bay-of-Lyon Crater“ described under 1.) and the Ø 1.6 x 1.2 km "oblique impact crater" described under 2.)  are impact craters which belong to the same Secondary Crater Chain ( à PT-Impact Event )



A Geological Map of Spain shows that the bow-shaped “Crater-Wall structure” consists of  rock-type 25 ( brown-colored on the geological map ), which is Proterozoic Rock that probably is > 250 Ma ( million years ) old ! 


The age of the rock at sample site 50 also indicates that the impact structure can be a result of the PT-Impact Scenario described in my hypothesis.


Rock samples collected at the sample sites 19 and 30, at the center of the bow-shaped impact structure (Cabo Cope), also indicate a impact shock event.

Quartz in these rock samples shows similar ( but slightly weaker ) shifts of the main Raman peaks, as the shocked quartz collected on sample site 50.



à  Weblink to the Geological Map of Spain :   http://www.zonu.com/fullsize-en/2010-09-01-12020/Geological-map-of-Spain-1994.html




3b.)   Traces of the PT-Impact found on Mallorca & Sardinia  ( Mallorca Island / Sardinia Island ) :


   à  Shock-metamorphic effects of the Impact Shocked quartz was found in rock samples from the Sample Sites 6-A & 6-B on Mallorca


Photos of these Sample Sites & Rock Samples and Raman spectra of analysed rock samples are available here :


Traces of the PT-Impact Event found on the Islands Mallorca & Sardinia - Raman spectra of selected Rock Samples 


Just a few kilometers offshore of the eastern coast-line of Mallorca there is a distinct linear step visible on the ocean-floor topography. 

This linear step on the ocean-floor represents a linear fracture in Earth’s crust that was caused by the impact impulse of ejecta-material, which was ejected by the Ø 1270 x 950 km Permian-Triassic Impact Crater (PTI)

along the PTI-Ejecta Ray R1.


Parallel to the mentioned linear step on the ocean-floor, more such linear fractures were caused by the impact of Ejecta Ray R1, along the western side of Mallorca ( e.g. in the Tramuntana Range ).

These linear fractures and the impulse of the impacting PTI-ejecta-material have caused small crust-fragments which were inclined towards east.   

On their western side these crust-fragments were lifted upwards by the impact event, and in this way they formed the linear mountain range “Serra de Tramuntana“ on the island Mallorca, which runs all along the

west-side of Mallorca in NE to SW direction.


The mentioned linear fractures are the cause for the later break-off of the three islands Mallorca, Menorca & Ibiza from the spanish mainland.

One particular deep fracture, in combination with the expansion- tectonics process which was triggered by the PT-Impact Event, has caused this “break-off“-process.


I also found additional traces of the PT-Ejecta-Ray R1 and a small impact crater on satellite images of the island Sardinia  ( see image below on the right  )


In the Raman Spectra of quartz grains from rock samples collected at the sample sites 6-A and 6-B on the north-coast of the Tramuntana Range there are clear shifts of the main Raman bands ( peaks )

to the lower frequencies 463, 261, 204 and 126 cm-1 visible in the spectra, which indicate that the quartz was exposed to a shock pressure of ≈ 20 - 22 GPa.  


Note that Breccia-samples from site 6-C are identical to Breccia-samples which I have collected near the Ø 30 km Impact Structure in Southern-Spain 3a) !


( à see Sample Site 50   ( à Ø 30 km impact structure )






4.)   The Ø 160 km "Salerno Crater" in Italy  :


   à  Shock-metamorphic effects of the Impact : Indication for  Shocked quartz  was found in rock samples of Sample Sites   21    20  


RAMAN-spectra and microscope-images taken from rock samples are available here             RAMAN spectroscopic analysis of samples from the 160 km "Salerno Crater"   


Photos of these Sample Sites & Rock Samples (  and other sample sites ) are available here :    Sample Sites "Salerno Crater"      and       Rock Samples "Salerno Crater"


The  Ø 160 km "Salerno Crater is part of the same secondary crater chain as the “Bay of Lyon Crater” described under 1.) ,

which in all probability was caused by ejecta that was ejected from the Permian Triassic Crater Ø 1270 x 950 km Permian Triassic Impact Crater (PTI) in the Arctic Sea near Alaska  


This secondary crater chain probably consisted of at least four major secondary craters. ( à see small image sequence 1 to 3 below )

The first crater of this crater chain is the ”Bay of Lyon Crater” ( à probably the most powerful crater ) and the last crater was the “Salerno Crater” which is still noticeable on the topography map of Italy, if the crust fragments

which form Italy are arranged in their positions as they were approx. 200 Ma ago.


In the Raman Spectra of quartz grains from rock samples collected at the sample sites 20 & 21 there are shifts of main Raman bands ( peaks ) to the lower frequencies noticeable in the spectra, which indicate that

the quartz was exposed to a shock pressure of ≈ 20 - 22 GPa.


But these shifts of the main Raman peaks are less pronounced than the peak shifts in the samples of the “Bay of Lyon Crater“ (BLC).

This indicates that the impact pressure or shock pressure was less at the end of the described crater chain ( at the "Salerno Crater"), than at the start of the chain ( at the “Bay of Lyon Crater” ).


Microscope images of some of the analysed quartz grains in samples from the sites 21 & 20 also seem to indicate an impact shock event.

In order to confirm the Salerno Crater as a secondary crater of the PT-Impact Event an analysis for PDFs ( planar deformation features) should be done.



Weblink to the Geological Map of Italy :   http://www.isprambiente.gov.it/en/projects/soil-and-territory/the-geological-map-of-italy-1-250000-scale/default





5.)   The Ø 320 km "Cape York Crater" in North-East Australia  :


à Shock-metamorphic effects of the Impact :    Shocked quartz in rock samples from the Sample Sites 46 & 50 (2.trip).   Sample site 49-C / 23 ( 1. & 2.trip) also indicates an impact event  


RAMAN-spectra and microscope-images taken from rock samples are available here  ►   RAMAN spectroscopic analysis of samples from the 320 km "Cape York Crater (CYC)"   


Photos of Sample Sites & Rock Samples are available here :    Sample Sites CY-Crater 2   &  Rock Sample CY-Crater 2  (2.trip)  and  Sample Sites CY-Crater 1  &  Rock Sample CY-Crater 1  (1.trip)  


The yet unknown giant Ø 320 km "Cape York Crater" (CYC) in NE-Australia is located on the ocean floor just east of the Cape York Peninsula.


The possible impact crater is noticeable on a gravity anomaly map and the crater-center has left a strong signature on the magnetic anomaly map too.  According to my PT-Impact Hypothesis the crater belongs to a

Secondary Impact Crater Chain, which was caused by ejecta material that was ejected from the Ø 1270 x 950 km Permian Triassic Impact Crater,  located in the Arctic Sea near Alaska  ( à see my Study about this Crater ).


The closest point on land in relation to the crater center is Cape Melville which probably represents a small section of the original outer crater-wall and which is only reachable on a difficult 4W-track or with a boat ( probably

the best option ! ). Satellite images of Cape Melville show hills of large grey boulders of up to Ø 20 m. These grey boulders consist of Cape-Melville-Granite with an Early-Permian Age. But I haven't been on this site yet !


The closest site that I could reach on my 2.trip ( Cape York 2 ), in reference to the Ø 320 km Crater, is sample site 46 , located 75 km south of the crater-rim of the Ø 320 km "Cape York Crater" ( à see map below ).


RAMAN spectra of quartz grains from sample site 46 clearly indicate a shock-event caused by an Impact. This is strong indication for the existence of the Ø 320  km “Cape York Crater”. 

Further evidence comes from sample site 50.  The RAMAN spectra of quartz from sample site 50 also provides evidence for a large-scale impact event.   It shows similar shifts of the Raman peaks of the quartz to

the lower frequencies, which indicates a shock pressure of  ≈ 20 - 22 GPa , that was caused by the large-scale “secondary impact event“ ( crater-chain ) described in my hypothesis.


Sample Site 49-C is located at the "Black Mountains" 20 km south of Cooktown. These “Ejecta-Boulder-Hills” ( Black Mountains ) probably were formed during the large-scale Cape-York Impact.

The boulders of the "Black Mountains" consist of Trevethan Granodiorite with a given age of 259 +/- 1 Ma which is very close to the PT-boundary age of ≈ 253 Ma.  

Cape Melville also seems to consist of these kind of Ejecta-Boulders from the PT-boundary


RAMAN spectra from quartz at site 49-C also indicate a shock event. However the shift of the RAMAN peaks is less and the evidence therefore weaker.


Geological Maps : ►   Geological Maps - Cape York Crater area - Overview      -    Geological maps of Australia can be downloaded at :  http://www.geoscience.gov.au/ 

        Or clic here and zoom-in to the required map
: http://www.geoscience.gov.au/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/nas/web/ops/prod/apps_wwwd/mapserver/geoportal-geologicalmaps/index.map&mode=browse&layer=map250&queryon=true





6.)   The Ø 30 km Mt Warning Impact Crater & 1.5 km Impact Crater ( East Australia ) :


   à  Shock-metamorphic effects of the Impact Shocked quartz  was found in rock samples from the  Sample Site  8-B2 /-B3


RAMAN-spectra and microscope-images taken from rock samples are available here   ►   RAMAN spectroscopic analysis of samples from the 30 km "Mt Warning Crater"   


Photos of these Sample Sites & Rock Samples are available here :     Sample Sites "Mt Warning Crater"     and         Rock Samples "Mt Warning Crater"  



The Ø 30 km crater-shaped Mt Warning area and a smaller ≈ Ø 1.5 km impact crater structure, which is located directly near the crater-rim of the Mt Warning Crater, seem to belong to the large-scale impact event

 caused by the Ø 320 km Cape York Crater and by other large secondary craters of the PT-Impact Event.


 (  à see Study : The 320 km Cape York Crater  (à  link2 ) )   


Mount Warning seems to be the result of a large secondary impact caused by the Cape York Impact Event in NE-Australia. And it is not the rest of an erroded shield-volcano as currently believed ! 

Therefore the true age of the Mt Warning crater may be ~253 Ma ( à PT-boundary age ).


The chaotic looking central area of the Mt Warning crater-area (Detail 1) probably is the result of a shield volcano which grew on top of the Mt Warning impact crater after the Impact Event. 

When the volcanic activity ended, this shield volcano then heavily eroded and collapsed into the visible chaotic structure, which consists of magmatic material.  Only the original Crater-wall of the Mt Warning crater is

a remain of the original earlier impact event. (à my hypothesis )


The samples 8-B2 /-B3 were collected on the foot of a possible remain of the original crater-wall of the Ø 30 km Mt Warning Impact Crater. The Raman spectra of quartz from sample site 8-B2, on the foot of the

Mt Warning crater-wall, and on the outside of the smaller Ø 1.5 km circular crater visible in Detail 2 provides first indication for an impact event !    The shifts of the main Raman peaks of the analysed quartz grain

to lower frequencies, which is visible in Raman-spectra, indicates that the quartz from this site in all probability was exposed to a shock pressure of around 20 - 22 GPa.


 The spectra of the rock samples from site 15-B and 15-C, the central mountain in the Mt Warning Crater, all indicate magmatic material.



A Geological Map can be downloaded at : http://www.geoscience.gov.au/  at this website go to : “Geology“ – 1:250 K Geological Maps   -  then type in :  WARWICK ( MORETON ) - Geology


Or clic here and zoom-in to the required map : http://www.geoscience.gov.au/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/nas/web/ops/prod/apps_wwwd/mapserver/geoportal-geologicalmaps/index.map&mode=browse&layer=map250&queryon=true




7.)    The Ø 8 x 7 km elliptical "Warwick Crater" in East-Australia


  Shock-metamorphic effects of the Impact structure :  Shocked quartz was found in rock samples from the Sample Sites 43, 51, 53 & 54


RAMAN-spectra and microscope-images taken from rock samples are available here    RAMAN spectroscopic analysis of samples from the Ø 8 x 7 km elliptical "Warwick Crater"   


Photos of these Sample Sites & Rock Samples are available here :   Sample Sites – Ø 8 x 7 km Warwick Crater      and   ►     Rock Samples "Warwick Crater"  


The Ø 8 x 7 km elliptical Warwick Crater is located ≈150 km south-west of Brisbane, near the Town Warwick ( ≈ 160 km west of the Mt. Warning area.).


There is a precise Elliptical crater structure noticeable on the Magnetic Intensity Map.   This elliptical ring structure  is not completely closed, which is an indication that the impactor arrived in a shallow angle.

The orientation of the elliptical ring structure corresponds to the orientation of the ( assumed ) ejecta blanket.

( see marks ( lines ) on the geological map below )  The age of the oblique impact in all probablility is ≈ 253 Ma. ( PT-boundary age )

( see explanation in Part 2 of my hypothesis about the PT-Impact Event )


The geological map of the surrounding area clearly shows a distribution of certain rock types along sectors, which are limited by „rays“, which all seem to come from the same starting point.  And it seems that all rays

have their starting point in the elliptical impact structure ! Only the rays which limit the sector of the grey colored rock type seem to have their starting point shifted a bit towards the direction where the impactor came from 

It seems that the pink & red colored rock types were scattered during the impact towards the south-east, in a cone-shaped pattern. These rock-types probably represent the remains of the impactor that formed the crater.

The Raman spectrum of quartz from sample site 43 provides first evidence for an impact shock event. The shifts of the main Raman peaks, of the analysed quartz, to the lower frequencies 463 and 204 cm-1,

provide indication for an impact event that caused a shock pressure of around 22 GPa.


Further indication comes from the Raman spectra of quartz grains from the sample sites 53, 51 and  54 which show shifts of the main Raman peaks to the lower frequencies 263 and 205 (204) cm-1,

to the lower frequencies 263 and 205 cm-1, to 260 and 126 cm-1 and to 262 (265) and 204 (207) cm-1


The main impact direction of this elliptical Impact Crater points towards the Cape York Crater ( chain ). Therefore in all probability the Ø 8 x 7 km “Warwick Crater” was caused by a large ejecta fragment of the

Cape York Impact Event.  But it is also possible that it was caused by a large ejecta fragment of the PT-Impact Crater.  ( Please also read the Study : The 320 km Cape York Crater  ( link2 ) )   







8.)   The Ø 40 x 33 km elliptical Pilbara Crater near Port Hedland ( NW-Australia )    


   à  Shock-metamorphic effects of the Impact :  Shocked quartz  was found in rock samples from the Sample Sites  25  ,  10  and  11


RAMAN-spectra and microscope-images taken from rock samples are available here   ►   RAMAN spectroscopic analysis of samples from the Ø 40 x 33 km elliptical Pilbara Crater   


Photos of these Sample Sites & Rock Samples (  and other sample sites ) are available here :    Sample Sites Pilbara Crater 1     and      Rock Samples Pilbara Crater 1


The Ø 40 x 33 km elliptical impact crater is located near the town Port Hedland in the North of Western Australia.


Because of the ellipical shape of the crater it is the result of an oblique impact. That means the impactor which formed the crater impacted in a very shallow angle of probably less then 10°.   And because of this

shallow impact angle, fragments of the impactor were ejected from the crater and caused complex secondary impact structures 40 km and 80 km further east of this elliptical crater. ( see sample sites 10 and 11 )


One of the secondary impact structures is Mount Goldsworthy, which is a famous Iron Ore Mine that contained the world’s richest deposits of ferrous (iron)-ore with a share of up to 68 % iron. 

These impact structures are all noticeable on a magnetic anomaly map ( à see map below )


The Ø 40 x 33 km elliptical Impact Crater near Port Hedland probably was formed by ejecta material that was ejected by a larger crater near Onslow, a town on the NW-coast of Western Australia.

This crater near Onslow in all probability was caused by the Permian-Triassic Impact Event 253 Ma ago.  More information about the possible Impact Structures here :  A complex 30 km Secondary Impact Crater 


RAMAN spectra of quartz grains from the sample site 25 near the center of the elliptical crater and from the sample sites 10 and 11 located in the assumed secondary impact structures of this elliptical Crater

clearly indicate a shock-event caused by an Impact.


The shifts of the Raman peaks of the analysed quartz samples  to lower frequencies indicates an impact shock pressure of  ≈  20 - 22 GPa


Further evidence comes from a microscopic image of sample 25 which indicates planar deformation features (PDFs)  ( see image below )







9.)    The Ejecta Ray from the   Ø 420 km "Southern Ocean Crater (SOC)" in Western Australia


    à  Shock-metamorphic effects of the Impact structure :  Shocked quartz was found in rock samples from the Sample Sites 50, 52 & 55


Other interesting rock samples are :  

53  ( ground is full of black glass-like stones à Micro-Tectites ? ) ; 49  ( shocked quartz may be present here too ! )   

 55 ( ground consists of coherent mass of light-weight ceramic-like material which contains pipe-shaped gas-bubbles !)



RAMAN-spectra and microscope-images taken from rock samples are available here      ►   RAMAN spectroscopic analysis of samples from the Ejecta ray of the 420 km SOC  


Photos of these Sample Sites & Rock Samples (  & other sample sites ) are available here : Sample Sites - Ejecta Ray of the 420 km "Southern Ocean Crater " ( SOC )


                                                                                                                                                             and     ►   Rock Samples -  Ejecta Ray of the 420 km SOC        



Note :   Shock-metamorphic effects caused by ejecta from the Ø 420 km Southern Ocean Crater may also be found in rocks of another area

 where I have collected samples :  ► see :  Sample Sites - Margaret River Area   ;   interesting sample areas here are :  7-A & 7-B   and    8-A & 8-B


The massive ejecta ray of the ≈ Ø 420 km “Southern Ocean Crater“ is noticable on gravity- & magnetic anomaly map of Australia.   

A map combination of a gravity anomaly map of Australia and a topographic map of Antartica, arranged to each other so as they were ~200 Ma ago, shows the outline of the Ø 420 km SOC.


A magnetic anomaly map provides clear evidence of the circular structure of the crater. And a geological map of the area south of Kalgoorlie indicates the precise linear structure of the Fraser Range

which represents the massive ejecta ray that was ejected from the crater. The age of the rock which forms the linear Fraser Range is given with ≈ 1.3 Ga.

This is the age of the crust-material that was ejected by the SOC. But the impact event itself was at the PT-boundary !


Rock samples from the center line of this linear mountain range provide first evidence for an impact event.

The Raman spectra of quartz from sample sites  50, 52 & 55 provide first indication for an impact event !  The shifts of two main Raman peaks of the analysed quartz grains from sample site 55 (Stone 1)

to the lower frequencies 263 and 205 cm-1 and to 261/264 and 205 cm-1, and the shifts of two main Raman peaks in the quartz grains from sample site 50 (Stone 2) to the lower frequencies  204 and 124 cm-1

and to 260/265 and 204 (200,209) cm-1 ( double peaks ), and similar shifts in samples from site 52, which are visible in the Raman Spectra provide a first indication that the quartz from these sample sites

was exposed to a shock pressure in the range of 20-22 GPa


The rock material from sample sites 50 & 55 may provide further evidence for the ejecta-ray-theory. On site 55 the rock consists of glass-like material that contains pipe-shaped bubbles filled with air (or gas)

 Microscopic images of some analysed quartz grains from site 50, 52 & 55 may provide further proof for a shock event 

( see :  Raman spectra of Ejecta-Ray samples of the 420 km Southern Ocean Crater ( or : here )









10.)   Impact Area of the PTI - Ejecta Ray R4   &  Impact Areas of Ejecta Rays from the  Ø 400x350 km Port Hedland Crater

         or from the Victoria Lake Impact ( E-Africa ) à located in Western Australia  



    à  Shock-metamorphic effects of these Impact structures :  Shocked quartz was found in rock samples from different sample areas


          Photos of these Sample Sites & Rock Samples (  & other sample sites ) are available here :


          PTI - Ejecta Ray R4  :  ► Rock Samples from Margaret River Area  


          Ejecta Rays from the Port Hedland Crater or from the Victoria Lake Impact  (VLC) in East-Africa : 


          ►   Rock Samples from Kalgoorlie Area                Rock Samples from Southern Cross Area            ►   Rock Samples of the Geraldton Area   



        The Gravity Anomaly Map indicates that Ejecta-material from the Ø 400 x 350 km Port Hedland Crater or from the Victoria Lake Crater (VLC) in East-Africa probably impacted

         in Western Australia and formed the linear structures which are visible as positive anomalies (red) on the gravity anomaly map.


        The may also indicates that the west coast of Western Australia was formed by the strong PTI - Ejecta Ray R4 according to my           

        PTI – Hypothesis. à  The analysed rock samples from the Margaret River area indicate an impact shock event.caused by Ejecta Ray R4.


                        Here the weblinks to the Raman-spectroscopy analyses results which indicate shock metamorphic effects present in these areas :


                        Sample area to proof the PTI - Ejecta Ray R4  :     ►   Raman analysis of samples from Margaret River   ( Sites 2, 4, 5 & 7-B )



Sample areas to proof the Ejecta Rays from the  Ø 400x350 km Port Hedland Crater  or from the Victoria Lake Impact ( E-Africa ) :


 Raman analysis of Kalgoorlie samples  ( Sites 2, 4, 5, 13, 21, 27, 31 )   ►  Raman analysis of Southern-Cross samples ( Sites 1, 9, 16, 18 )   ►  Raman analysis of Geraldton samples  ( Sites 11, 12, 17)









11.)    The possible drop-shaped 60 x 15 km Secondary Impact Structure of the PTI ,  north-west of Mt. Warning


                                                                                                      possible sample sites with shock-metamorphic effects in the rocks    :   :   8-A 8-B

                                                                                                                                                                                     ► other potential Sample Sites  :   2 , 3 , 4


               Here the images of the Rock Samples :   ►    Rock Samples -  NW of Mt. Warning area






  The hot spots of the Canary Islands are possible secondary impact sites of the PTI !    ► according to my hypothesis ! )




12-A.)   The Ø 15 x 11 km "Anaga Crater" on Tenerife ( Canary Islands ) :


                                                    Sample Sites on Tenerife :  “Anaga Crater“        à Interesting sample sites :  5, 7, 9, 10, 54, 57 &   58


à   Raman-spectra and microscope-images taken from rock samples are available here   ► Raman spectra of samples from Tenerife    


A strong indication for an impact event comes from the fracture pattern in the Anaga Range, which shows an area effected by compression stress and an area effected by tensile stress, separated by a curved rift zone.

( the above given weblink leads to a PDF with further references to studies about the geology of Tenerife  ► see page 2 of the documents )


I believe that the hot spots which caused the Canary Islands originally were impact sites of large ejecta fragments, which were ejected from the Permian Triassic Impact Crater in the Arctic Sea.

And I am sure that these impact sites ( hot spots ) were produced by the same large-scale secondary impact event (  caused by the PT-Impact  ), which also has formed the "Bay of Lyon Crater" and other

impact structures in southern Spain à see 1.) - 3.)


But it will be difficult to provide evidence for this hypothesis, because the evidence is buried under thick layers of lava and magmatic rocks.  Maybe a drill core analysis of rock material from locations close to the assumed

original impact sites ( e.g. the center area of the “Anaga Impact Crater” ) may provide the evidence.


I have now published Raman spectra of rock samples from the Canarian Islands Tenerife, Gran Canaria & Fuerteventura on the websites :  vixra.org and archive.org (internet archives) under my author name


(   see weblink at the start of this paragraph ) 


The Anaga Range on Tenerife belongs to the old basaltic shield of Tenerife, which is the oldest rock on Tenerife.    The most rock on the Canary Islands is considered to be only a few million years old.

But the base under the old basaltic shields is much older !  The oceanic ground where the Canary Islands are located on, definitely is > 150 - 200 Ma old.

Therefore the deep base-rock under the Anaga Range may have a PT-boundary age of ≈ 250 Ma.


An interesting site is an „Old rock Island“ inside the Pico del Teide caldera Sample Site 58 , which may also provide proof of the Anaga Crater impact event !

This old rock could have a P/T-age of ~252 Ma.    The old rock probably was lifted by the impact or by the growing volcano ( caused by the impact )  from the original ancient ocean floor(!?)


Note :  I intend to publish a separate document about this "Old rock Island" soon with some more photos from this site   ( probably at the end of summer 2022 ). 


           I will then add a weblink to this new document on the first page of my Raman-study  :    Raman spectra of samples from Tenerife       please have a look from time to time.


I believe that the impact point of the Anaga Crater ( a “hot spot”) drifted away from the original Anaga Crater later after the impact event supported by an Expansion Tectonics process,

and was responsible for the later formation of the Pico del Teide Volcano which is still active today.  for more explanation please read the above mentioned document ( Raman-study ) 


On sample site 7 close to the center of the assumed Anaga-Crater the geological map shows an area consisting of batholith material ( intrusive igneous rock )







12-B.)  The Ø 13,5 x 10 km "Ajuy Crater" on Fuerteventura               and                 12-C.)  The Ø 20 x 15 km "Tejeda Crater" on Gran Canaria



  Raman-spectra and microscope-images taken from rock samples are available here


1.)  Raman spectra of samples from Fuerteventura         -        2.)  Raman spectra of samples from Gran Canaria          -         3.)  Raman spectra of samples from Lanzarote


The Gravity Anomaly Map of the Canarian Islands indicates a large scale Impact Event.   This impact event probably was the result of Ejecta from the PTI  ( Permian Triassic Impact )

which impacted in this area and caused the Ø 430 x 290 km Gibraltar Crater (GIC).  ( see explanation on page 28 of Part 2 of my PTI-hypothesis).

The smaller oblique (ellipitical) impact craters indicated on the Gravity Anomaly map offshore of the Islands Tenerife, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote belong to this impact event and are located along

the hypothetical crater-wall (-rim) of the GIC. 


On the canary island "Fuerteventura" old oceanic sediments with an age of ≈  200 Ma can be found as fragments embedded in magmatic material near the village Ajuy,

on the west-coast of Fuerteventura.


It seems an impact has caused these fragments of old ocean sediments during the impact, and they were then mixed with (magmatic) ejecta material.

These fragments can be found in the “Ejecta-triangle structures” visible in Detail 5 of the Geological Map of Fuerteventura.  A precise age analysis of these old oceanic sediments should be done !

The gravity anomaly map indicates a  Ø 13,5 x 10 km , a smaller Ø 6 x 4,5 km elliptical crater offshore of the west-coast of Fuerteventura and a Ø 12 x 9 km Crater offshore of the NW-coast of Lanzarote


On Gran Canaria the big elliptical volcanic caldera near Gran Canaria’s Center probably is the result of a shield volcano that grew on top of the assumed Ø 20 x 15 km Tejeda Crater, which in all

probability is a secondary impact crater of the PT-Impact Event !



                12-B.)    To the Ø 13.5 x 10 km "Ajuy Crater" on the Canary Island Fuerteventura :

                                                                   interesting sample sites which may provide evidence for the PT - Impact Event    :    21-A , 35-A , 45-A , 45-B , 45-C , 48-C, 56-A, 56-B

                                                                                                                                                                    ►  other potential Sample Sites  :   35-B , 48-A , 48-B , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 32 , 38 , 39  


             ►  Here the images of all Rock Samples : Photos Sample Sites & Rock Samples FUERT.: “Ajuy Crater“    (  ► Numbers of rock samples same as sample sites ! )


            ►     1.)  Raman spectra of samples from Fuerteventura


            The sample site 35-A consists of ejecta material which was ejected from the Ø 13.5 x 10 km "Ajuy Crater".  Site 35-A is a small rock island just off the south-west coast of Fuerteventura.

             ( this rock island is accessable at low-tide by foot from the sandy beach on the west-coast )


            The sample sites 45-B & 45-C show fragments of old oceanic sediment from Mesozoic Age(?) embedded in what I believe may be ejecta-material from the possible "Ajuy Crater"

            By measuring the precise age of this fragments of old oceanic sediments the age of the "Ajuy Impact Crater" could may be determined, which I believe may be PT-boundary age ( 250 Ma ).


            The deeper base of Fuerteventura probably is much older than expected ! 


            Another interesting sample site is 21-A where breccia with very large embedded fragments of different minerals is visible in the bedrock of a creek which runs to the nearby beach.  







12-C.)    To the Ø 20 x 16 km "Tejeda Crater" on the Canary Island Gran Canaria :


                                                                                    interesting sample sites which may provide evidence for the PT - Impact Event     : 14 , 20 & 25 , 28, 29 , 32, 33 and 34-B  

                                                                                                                                                                                    other potential Sample Sites  :   21 , 23 , 26,  15-A15-B , 27 , 33 , 34-A , 34-B


 ►  Here the images of the Sample Sites :     Sample Sites & Rock Samples GRAN C.: “Tejeda Crater“


 ►  And all images of the Rock Samples :     Rock-Samples  -  Gran Canaria 1  ( & Tenerife 1 )          and       Rock-Samples  -  Gran Canaria 2  


   2.)  Raman spectra of samples from Gran Canaria



Interesting sites are around the Ø 20 x 15 km elliptical “Tejeda Caldera”, which I believe is the post-impact result of a PT-secondary impact that caused a hotspot and magma outflow here.

Indication for an impact could be Magnetite minerals found on an “outflow tongue” on the front-end of the Crater ( site 33 ).






     And to the possible  Ø 10 x 7 km "Aguimes Crater" on Gran Canaria :


                                                                                                                possible sample sites with shock-metamorphic effects in the rocks  ► :  36 , 37 , 38       








       The last Impact Crater I want to describe isn't a result of the PTI !        It is much older !!!     Probable Age :  > 3 Ga  !!!      





13.)   The Ø 30 km Pilbara 2 Crater  in NW-Australia   This is a Crater with an Age of at least 3 Ga !!  -     Note : This crater doesn't belong to the global PT-Impact Scenario !


                                                                                                  possible sample sites with shock-metamorphic effects in the rocks   :  19 , 20 , 21-A , 21-B , 22


                                                                                                                                                                           ► other potential Sample Sites  :  15 , 18 , 19 , 23


     ►  Here the images of the Rock Samples Rock Samples (1) - Pilbara Impact Crater 2


    ► see also - samples collected by the geologist Carl Brauhart near the Pilbara 2 Crater :   Rock Samples (2) - Pilbara Crater 2  ( by Carl Brauhart ( Geologist ))


    ►  Please read :    Raman spectra of samples from the - Pilbara 2 Impact Crater